Using reCAPTCHA with Golang

John Pili
5 min readJan 18, 2020



Google’s reCAPTCHA is one of the tool we can use to stop malicious internet bots from abusing our web applications.
It comes in two versions, reCAPTCHA v2 and v3. Version 3 uses a score based and no-interaction approach to handle bots from humans. Version 2 uses use a checkbox that will require users to answer a question. In this tutorial we will focus on reCAPTCHA v2


This tutorial requires:

  • You are already a registered google webmaster
  • Added your website property into your Google webmaster account
  • You know how to build a basic web app using Golang and Rice

Registration Steps

1. Let’s begin by heading to to register our site with reCAPTCHA.

2. Add a site for reCAPTCHA

3. Register site details

If you want to configure and test using your localhost just add localhost in the domain list

3.1 Generated Site Keys
Once you’ve successfully registered your website with reCAPTCHA. It will generate client and server side keys. We will use this later in our codes.

Nutshell of Google reCAPTCHA Process

Before we dig into the code this is an over simplified process of how Google reCAPTCHA works.


1. Add reCAPTCHA Javascript library into the HTML head tag

2. Add the g-recaptcha div inside your form tag

3. Golang code

package main

import (

rice ""

// Config ...
type Config struct {
HTTP struct {
Port int `yaml:"port"`
ServerCert string `yaml:"server_crt"`
ServerKey string `yaml:"server_key"`
CSRFKey string `yaml:"csrf_key"`
CSRFSecure bool `yaml:"csrf_secure"`
} `yaml:"http"`
ReCAPTCHA struct {
VerifyURL string `yaml:"verify_url"`
ClientKey string `yaml:"client_key"`
ServerKey string `yaml:"server_key"`
} `yaml:"recaptcha"`

// GoogleRecaptchaResponse ...
type GoogleRecaptchaResponse struct {
Success bool `json:"success"`
ChallengeTimestamp string `json:"challenge_ts"`
Hostname string `json:"hostname"`
ErrorCodes []string `json:"error-codes"`

var configuration Config
var viewBox *rice.Box

func main() {
pid := os.Getpid()
err := ioutil.WriteFile("", []byte(strconv.Itoa(pid)), 0666)
if err != nil {

var configLocation string
flag.StringVar(&configLocation, "config", ".config.yml", "Set the location of the configuration file")
loadConfiguration(configLocation, &configuration) // Load the configuration for yaml file

viewBox = rice.MustFindBox("views")
staticBox := rice.MustFindBox("static")
staticFileServer := http.StripPrefix("/static/", http.FileServer(staticBox.HTTPBox()))

port := strconv.Itoa(configuration.HTTP.Port)
if os.Getenv("ASPNETCORE_PORT") != "" {
port = os.Getenv("ASPNETCORE_PORT") // Override port if deployed in IIS via ASPNETCOREMODULE

if len(configuration.ReCAPTCHA.ServerKey) < 0 {
log.Fatalln("Missing ReCAPTCHA.ServerKey from .config.yml")

if len(configuration.ReCAPTCHA.ClientKey) < 0 {
log.Fatalln("Missing ReCAPTCHA.ClientKey from .config.yml")

CSRF := csrf.Protect(

router := bone.New()
router.Handle("/static/", staticFileServer)
router.HandleFunc("/", journalHandler)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":"+port, CSRF(router)))

func renderPage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, hasError bool, errorMessage string) error {
base, err := viewBox.String("base.html")
if err != nil {

content, err := viewBox.String("index.html")
if err != nil {

x, err := template.New("base").Parse(base)
if err != nil {

if err != nil {

err = x.Execute(w, map[string]interface{}{
"Title": "Demo Using reCAPTCHA with Golang | John Pili",
"csrfToken": csrf.Token(r),
"clientKey": configuration.ReCAPTCHA.ClientKey,
"hasError": hasError,
"errorMessage": errorMessage,
return err

func renderResult(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, title string, payload string) error {
base, err := viewBox.String("base.html")
if err != nil {

content, err := viewBox.String("result.html")
if err != nil {

x, err := template.New("base").Parse(base)
if err != nil {

if err != nil {

err = x.Execute(w, map[string]interface{}{
"Title": "Demo Using reCAPTCHA with Golang | John Pili",
"csrfToken": csrf.Token(r),
"postTitle": title,
"postPayload": payload,
return err

func journalHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
switch r.Method {
case http.MethodGet:
err := renderPage(w, r, false, "")
if err != nil {
case http.MethodPost:
if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "ParseForm() err: %v", err)
if len(r.FormValue("g-recaptcha-response")) == 0 {
_ = renderPage(w, r, true, "g-recaptcha-response is missing")

result, err := validateReCAPTCHA(r.FormValue("g-recaptcha-response"))
if err != nil {
_ = renderPage(w, r, true, err.Error())

if !result {
_ = renderPage(w, r, true, "reCAPTCHA is not valid")

_ = renderResult(w, r, r.FormValue("title"), r.FormValue("payload"))
log.Println("Unmapped HTTP Method")
http.Redirect(w, r, "/?error", 303)

// This will handle the reCAPTCHA verification between your server to Google's server
func validateReCAPTCHA(recaptchaResponse string) (bool, error) {

// Check this URL verification details from Google
req, err := http.PostForm(configuration.ReCAPTCHA.VerifyURL, url.Values{
"secret": {configuration.ReCAPTCHA.ServerKey},
"response": {recaptchaResponse},
if err != nil { // Handle error from HTTP POST to Google reCAPTCHA verify server
return false, err
defer req.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body) // Read the response from Google
if err != nil {
return false, err

var googleResponse GoogleRecaptchaResponse
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &googleResponse) // Parse the JSON response from Google
if err != nil {
return false, err
return googleResponse.Success, nil

// This handles the configuration loader for YAML
func loadConfiguration(location string, c *Config) {
f, err := os.Open(location)
if err != nil {

decoder := yaml.NewDecoder(f)
err = decoder.Decode(&c)
if err != nil {

To compile this project you can use the following commands

rice clean; rice embed-go; go build 


Challenge Answered!

Demo and Source Code

You can checkout the completed demo here

Source code is available in Github.


In today’s Internet, using reCAPTCHA is important in ensuring real human interaction instead of an automated software. Machine learning and automated testing tools are sometimes being used with malicious intent and protecting our website is our responsibility as developers.

Originally published at on January 18, 2020.

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John Pili
John Pili

Written by John Pili

I am currently working as a software development manager in Malaysia. I manage and help my team with technical software design and implementation.

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